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Collective Effervescence


Does that ring a bell? Collective Effervescence!

When you are like me, and not a native English speaker, you might think? What is that? Well, I had to google it too. And then I was hooked. In my field of leadership transformation, I often emphasize the 'power of words'. And 'effervescence' is clearly one of my new favorites.

New Work. New Normal ... seriously? In which direction will that really lead us? In that definition alone is already separation and judgment. Two characteristics not supporting the leadership which we so urgently need.

But 'effervescence' ... when have you last felt this bubbly feeling? When the excitement is coming up and you dance for joy and curiosity for more. And you as a leader, have you ever pondered on how to bring this firework into the collective?!

I am thinking back at my days at Burningman, Bhakti Fest, Katapult Fest, or wisdom 2.0 ... there it was, this collective effervescence. But in business somehow we often leave it behind. Instead, the most used word in business is 'performance'.

How about 'aliveness' instead. When we perform we might reach for a moment the desired state, but when we feel alive, we consistently grow, we expand, we engage, we vibrantly face what is coming our way. Isn't that what we are all looking for?

I believe we are all better off when the consciousness of leaders shifts from profit to impact, from results to significance, and from performance to aliveness. It's good for profit, all people involved, and the planet.

Do you feel called to be that Evolutionary Regenerative Leader? Reach out and join on of my journey quests beginning to make business alive and collective effervescence again.

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